Dreyma is dreamcore, electronic, pop and dark sometimes.
They believe in us:
Radio 3 as Emerging Artist 2017 and 1st EP 2018
Mondo Sonoro as Best EP 2017 (South)
First place at NEIA Awards 7th edition

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"Si te gusta el dream-core, la electrónica nacional, los dúos de música (...) lo nuevo, lo fresco y descubrir cosas diferentes, entonces, te va a interesar Dreyma."
"Moonlight es un trabajo conceptual en torno a mujeres que como ellas no renuncian a la complejidad y el riesgo para ser libres. Luz al final del túnel."
Mondo Sonoro
"Tienen un personal sonido y un cuidado manejo del concepto y la estética en sus videoclips, donde el dream core les lleva de momentos pausados a otros oscuros y a otros casi de éxtasis."
New song release with Sesiones Bravas
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We have released a new song with Sesiones Bravas (+ Monday Frida and Amanita). Óyeme is a whisper from the depths of the forest. It is a reminder that even if you are not on social media or touring, you keep creating, living and existing. Because that is what being artists is for us. It's difficult to make a living from music, but we consider the fact of being able to do it, no matter what happens, is a huge opportunity. This is like a song or ritual towards that point, where you do it for love, for yourself and for whoever finds it.
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Our documentary:
"What is dreaming for you"
"Dreyma" means "to dream" in Icelandic. We've been asking our friends and even some strangers about what dreaming means for them and their words are beautiful.
See on Youtube
‘Salvaje’ is out!
"Salvaje" is in essence a return to the primitive, a pure approach to beauty and pain, material contact with life, confrontation with nature, animality and sexuality.
Despite being divided into eight themes, listening to it skippingly would be the same as cutting a map into a thousand pieces or altering the order of the pages of a novel without prior instructions, a kind of ‘rayuelesque’ allegation. The songs also imply an abandonment of pop structures, preferring to use textures, a wide palette of sounds and nuances that take the listener into tunnels and forests and make him reappear in somewhere else accompanied by an expressive feeling and a dramatic sense of interpretation. Embedded in a better way than ever before in its previous references.
Sixto Martin
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‘Salvaje’, third single from Dreyma's next LP: a hymn to life, bright and fight.
‘Salvaje’ is an ode about the confrontation of life, overcoming its obstacles, a literal birth as if the cry of a newborn baby were the battle shout on the horizon, out of the heat and the endearing. From the deepest entrails and reminiscent of Anna Von Hausswolff, organs and choral voices make up this call to the nature of life, the wildest being faces reality itself, survival. This introduction by the coven of Dreyma's next album choreographs the same word that gives the album its name, savage, around concepts such as freedom, dance, the senses, anatomy and nature.
“Anfibia”, a sylvan video that anticipates the fervor of “Salvaje”.
Today we present "Anfibia", the second advance of our LP accompanied by a video clip (with the performance of the visual artist Diego Ezía) made of liquid and intimate aesthetics, with sounds that allow one to guess a work that is far from the accommodation of Western ears, influenced by Ibeyi, Dengue Dengue Dengue and various folklores.
"Salvaje" is in essence a return to the primitive, a pure approach to beauty and pain, material contact with life, confrontation with nature, animality and sexuality.
See on Youtube
Listen on Spotify
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"Amanita" is the first single from our next album “Salvaje”.
“Amanita” is the first single from our next album “Salvaje” (Autumn 2020).
Recorded & produced by Marcos Muñiz at La Resinera Estudio (2020)
It is Dreyma's first step to a mature, evolved and seductive sound, maintaining the dream-core and naive line, but unleashing our most savage side, like creating the sound of a witches coven or a lo-fi dance under the full moon.
Listen on Spotify